On The Avengers…

Posted: 8 May, 2008 in Blogging by GWT
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Avengers Assemble, Bitches!So, I saw Iron Man this weekend. Obvious praise aside, the ending brought up an interesting point that will likely be explored in the next few years: The Avenger’s Movie.

Alright, well, for those who don’t know, a certain someone played by one Samuel L. Jackson appears to speak to one Tony Stark about something known as The Avenger’s Initiative. Those of us who are, well, comic book nerds know the Avengers are THE all-star Super Hero team of the Marvel Universe. Over half the super heroes in the universe have been an Avenger at some point, and there are even two seperate teams right now in the comics.

The Avengers are funded by one SHIELD – think the CIA for superheroes – and are led by one Tony Stark – Iron Man. This part of his story was explored in the last minutes of the movie, and Tony Stark is supposed to appear in the new The Incredible Hulk. There goes two Avengers right there, but the rest of the team is the mystery.

Myself, I hope for a rendition including Spider-Man, Wolverine, and (somehow) Captain America. But, we’ve got time until the movie comes out, so we’ll see then.

I just hope the movie doesn’t suck.

Oh yeah, and Iron Man…let me sum it up real quick:


Thank you.

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