Archive for June, 2010

On Summer and Memories

Posted: 28 June, 2010 in Blogging by GWT

Everyone has a great summer memory, don’t they?

I mean, think about it. We’ve all got summer memories and they’re all great, You do, your mom does — the only people who don’t are infants who haven’t had a summer yet.

Well, I’m no different. I’ve had tons of summers and tons of summer memories, but nothing I can really call a favorite.

I DO have a “Jesus christ I was an awful child” memory though.

How awful, well…

When I was 13, I set a hillside on fire.


Today, I visited a castle. Here’s the touristy pictures. (more…)

Goal Keeping Fail!

On Marriott Hotel

Posted: 4 June, 2010 in Blogging by GWT, Mobile, Picture post


So I was headed home last night in prep for my sisters high-school graduation when a sudden terrible thing befell me.

My flight was delayed. By two days. As a result, I missed my connection.

I was quite upset, as you could imagine. But then I saw the hotel they gave me.

This has to be the fanciest hotel I’ve been to. No doubt in my mind.
They even serve Orange juice in wine glasses!

(This is one of those obnoxious posts with food in it. Sorry) (more…)